Tuesday 14 March 2017



   In E-tech we've learned a lot of new knowledge all about technology. Although we wrote an LAS everyday but still worth it because our dearest adviser and our second Mom is so great in terms of teaching about technology. And the one that I learned is making a PowerPoint and it's procedure. In that way, we can deliver our report easily and the students must understand on what are the points that need to deliver the reporters. And we easily make a visual aid because in making PowerPoint you can choose your designs and your report is Presentable to the Audience. Moreover, Information and communication technologies is an communication device or application, includes radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software and so on. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education or libraries.

Also, we discuss iCT in communities wether you work at home, work with kids and adults. Theres one thing that connect as all our localcommunity and how we use ICT to make it work. Using the socialinteraction.  Furthermore, we discover Mail merge is a useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters, labels, name tags and more using information. When performing mail merge used a word document, as what i learned in using mail merge, the mail merge pane appears and mail merge guide you through the sixmain steps to complete mail merge.

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